Pop Trading Company & Clothes for Progress

Eddy Varekamp for POP TRADING COMPANY & Clothes for Progress

Mayo for NUMÉRO

The Patchwork Family for DAZED

"Well, hello there", SRIBI Identity Launch

PF PFW Campaign


Mayo for NUMÉRO

Blue Echo, Coloray

Night at the Museum, Willet-Holthuyzen

Same Sun campaign, Clothes for Progress

The Patchwork Family for DAZED

A Short Story Long, Cain for The Pachwork Family

A Spiral Walk, Intercept records


A Short Story Long, The Pachwork Family

"Nothing Fancy", Michal Kruger for Unfair

The Thomas Trum Machine, Unfair
Klein / GREAT
Kees de Klein is a Photographer and Creative Director based in Europe. His creative office, Great Expectations, centers on Image, Identity and Publication, while his photography practice brings the same focus through portraiture and still-life.