Pop Trading Company & Clothes for Progress

Eddy Varekamp for POP TRADING COMPANY & Clothes for Progress

The Call, Holly Herndon & Mat Dryhurst, Serpentine Gallery London

Mayo for NUMÉRO

The Patchwork Family for DAZED

Smooth City, René Boer, Valiz

"Well, hello there", SRIBI Identity Launch

The Call, Holly Herndon & Mat Dryhurst, Serpentine Gallery London


R.A.V.E., Ark Connor Schumacher

Mayo for NUMÉRO

Night at the Museum, Willet-Holthuyzen

The Patchwork Family for DAZED

A Short Story Long, Cain for The Pachwork Family

Over the Forest, Lo, Intercept Records


A Short Story Long, The Pachwork Family

The Thomas Trum Machine, Unfair
Klein / GREAT
Kees de Klein is a Creative Director and Photographer based in Europe. His creative office, Great Expectations, and his photography practice are both dedicated to image and identity.